It was great to lead a session on Service-Learning for POP’s Year 10 camp last week. Students learned about how Service-Learning helps us live together in community, learning about who we are, and how we can work with others.
We explored the phrase:
“How we do anything, is how we do everything”
…and how this relates to Service-Learning being much more than a one-off event.
Students were engaged in a variety of activities to help them unpack the Service-Learning concepts of story, boundary crossing, and presence, and how these concepts help us live in a flourishing community. We explored how it is important we recognise everyone has a story, when we boundary cross we are able to move past our safe and comfortable bubbles to learn from others, and lastly, how to be present to others, with our time and our energy.
We challenged ourselves to think about how we can practice these concepts in our everyday lives, and created challenge bracelets to remind ourselves of our goals.
The students were an absolute delight to spend time with, and we are very excited to see where their thinking in this space takes them!
Helena Lambert