This week the Identity and Formation team partnered with ALC’s Dr Meg Noack to present at the ACU and DePaul (Chicago) Service-Learning Conference.
We shared about the journey of building a conceptual approach to Service-Learning, and how this conceptual approach is helping to create a common language across the Lutheran system, and the benefits of deepening the learning and experiences when concepts are involved.
It was a rich time of hearing from other sectors in this space, and how universities in particular are working to build mutually beneficial partnerships with community organisations who support those experiencing disadvantage.
This challenging quote stood out from DePaul’s Dr Valerie Johnson’s keynote speech,
“Service-Learning must interrupt the status quo, lest it becomes a venture that leaves inequalities intact.”
If we described the Service-Learning ‘end goal’ as being about the flourishing of ALL in community, what steps are we taking to work towards this goal? How are we actively using Service-Learning to work towards this with our school communities and beyond?
For more general updates and conversation around Service-Learning, please join the Service-Learning Network Facebook Group. Search “Service-Learning Network” and the group should be visible.