A full house of teachers and leaders working with Marg Thorsborne to grow their capacity to think and act restoratively with young people in our school communities, gathered at Redeemer, Rochedale for three days this week. Teachers attested to Marg’s wisdom and insight and her ability to help teachers think through the particularly challenging situations which are faced every week in our schools.
This training also provided a great opportunity for teachers from Lutheran schools to network with others who share similar roles and challenges.
In 2022, this three day training will occur again. Additionally, we would like to be able to work with Marg to offer Relationships at Work which is RP training for leaders whose role includes working with staff.
Do you have staff who would be interested in learning to be a trainer in the RP space? Marg has offered to run a train the trainer program for a group of LEQ staff in 2022. This would include a team of LEQ personnel who would work towards becoming one of our experts, able to offer training and support in this space. Please give this possibility some thought.
September 10 2-3.30pm is a scheduled zoom network gathering for Pastoral Care & Wellbeing folk. We look forward to hearing from a number of our schools about their vision & practice of PC, as well as hearing one school’s story about maintaining a Restorative Practice culture. Registration to receive the zoom link is here.