“It was not only a great process but the modelling of how to engage virtually in rich ways was very good” Principal,Dr Bron Dolling
The R2P Reflect to Practice Covid Module is a guided workshop backed with rich process which has been crafted with help from people from dSchool Stanford, Touchline-Amicus and other professionals. The 2 hour module allows a school or organisation to effectively and collaboratively reflect and derive actions to take forward that will enhance and transform schooling or work.
“It was a wonderful way for us each to put forward our feelings of growth and development and opened our eyes up to so many other possibilities and choices that we could be making to ensure our children are highly motivated and engaged in their learning. Sometimes we get bogged down in the comfortableness of ‘how things have always been’. Yesterday showed me that we are all prepared to step outside the box a little and start to ‘reinvent’ and find new ways to deliver our crowded curriculum.”
“The projects that have been identified through this process are exciting for our school and given that they were ‘chosen’ by our staff makes it even more amazing. These projects will allow us to move forward to benefit our students and our teaching practice.”
“Thank you for organising yesterdays ‘debrief’ as it has really instilled a feeling of excitement in me that, as whole college team, we are on the same page and we really do want to improve our delivery of the curriculum in new and exciting ways.”
“Derek and Kim were great facilitators – clear in what the tasks were, carefully listening to our suggestions, patient with us as we considered what was being asked of us.”
“The time frame was good, the exercises (video, graph, other visuals) were easy and made organising our thoughts clear.”
“I think we could use this model in some of our meetings etc to draw out information and move forward.”
“While we were a little shy, the opportunity was there for everyone to have a voice, safely.”
Facilitators: Kim Powell and Derek Bartels (HundrED Ambassadors)