Where do they come from?
God has gifted us as leaders with great abilities and strengths, and we have even worked to get opportunities. All opportunities come from God alone and it is important for us to realise that God orchestrates and provides these opportunities. Every opportunity will be followed with opposition.
Often, we equate the moving of God with blessing, easy roads and clear sailing. When things don’t go well, we question ourselves and God;
Did I make a mistake?
Did I hear God correctly?
Did I take the wrong opportunity?
But clear sailing is not the kind of open door we often experience. Walking in step with the Holy Spirit is often just the opposite! With every opportunity, opposition will come!
When the going gets tough, the tough start obeying!
In Joshua 1:9 we read,
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Sometimes we shy away from an open door of opportunity because we can see the opposition.
– Could God be leading you into an opportunity that requires courage?
– Or an opportunity that requires obedience that confounds common sense?
Instead of leaning away, we need to lean in.
God is not looking for nibblers of the possible,
but the grabbers of the impossible.
– C.T. Studd
We need to seize the God-sized opportunities that require God-sized courage that only He can give! Courageous living requires obedience to walk with the Spirit through the open doors of opportunity, even in the face of opposition.
“Father, I ask for wisdom, discernment, and understanding. Help me to realize that all things come from You alone. You are so good, generous, and gracious. When the opposition comes, help me to keep my eyes fixed on You. Give me God-sized courage to obey. Finally I will celebrate the outcome no matter what.”
In Jesus’ dear name Amen.
Eunice Stoll