This Sunday we will celebrate Mother’s Day. Countries around the world celebrate Mother’s Day once a year and in every country the celebrations can be very different.
Mothers and mother-figures are indispensable! They are most likely the first person we come to know when we enter the world. They love and care for us throughout the years as we grow.
Motherhood is one of God’s greatest gifts to humanity. A loving, committed mother is an indispensable person in our development. Can you imagine a world without mothers? Mothers instil important social and nurturing characteristics in each generation. It is primarily from our mothers that we learn the virtues of sacrifice, sharing, valuing others, compassion, community and a host of other interpersonal values and skills.
Mothers were designed by God to nurture. There is just no greater nurturing power than a mother. When God described His love for Israel, He did so with a motherhood metaphor. He told Israel that He would comfort them like a mother comforts her children (Isaiah 66:13).
Yet mothers are not all the same. Author and speaker Patsy Clairmont says, “Normal is just a setting on your clothes dryer, she says. We are all different, women may struggle, fail, start over, and celebrate.” But mothers can love unlike any other person.
And so, to mothers/grandmothers/carers past, present and in the future, I say thank you for all that you have done to prepare your children to be the good men and women of the next generation. Our world cannot make it without you.
Eunice Stoll
Thank you for all you do.

Happy Mother’s Day