LEQ & QLECS were invited to join LYQ on Saturday 28 May 2022 as they celebrated all that God is doing through their ministry and they partner in growing that influence further! The support they receive through their Brisbane Appeal Dinner plays a critical role in allowing them to share the Good News about Jesus with more than 14,000 young lives every year to help them shine brighter!
A highlight of every Brisbane Appeal Dinner is the contribution of our speakers. This year guests were blessed to hear from our main speaker Rev. Reid Matthias, an engaging storyteller who is passionate about sharing God’s love with a young generation. LYQ were also thrilled to welcome Rebecca Miegel our Master of Ceremonies for the evening. Guests also heard from young people who have been impacted through the ministry of LYQ.
Most of the guests are connected in some way to the Lutheran community either through involvement in our ministry or through our churches, schools and care services. For some of our long-term supporters its a chance to reminisce about old times shared on camp together!