We are fortunate to belong to a professional learning community, a place for those looking for a way to get our minds and our fellow educators’ minds around complex themes and topics.
We invite you to read through the thought pieces below, it may serve as a reflective opportunity for us all. If you have any pieces to share in upcoming updates, please send them through to Vanessa Noonan.
Leading Change: The Steady Path on the Roller Coaster
Mary Coverdale, Executive Director of The Learner First, Australia shares how leading change in a changing world is like riding a roller coaster that continues to speed up no matter how hard you pull the breaks. Read Here
New Education Story – Three Drivers to Transform Education Systems
This publication invites us to step back, ask big questions, and think deeply about where we are going and how we are going to get there. This piece allows practitioners the opportunity to reflect on ‘why are we making changes’? Read here