ACARA Chief Executive Officer, David de Carvalho has extended congratulations to Concordia Lutheran College and Immanuel Lutheran College in recognition of each college having demonstrated substantial improvement and above average gains in reading and/or numeracy achievement for students, as measured by NAPLAN. Concordia and Immanuel, along with St Peters Lutheran College are included in the 2.8% of schools recognised nationally, being three of 268 schools to have demonstrated substantial improvement and above average gains. My School presents gain in student achievement in three ways:
- overall gain compared to previous years; and
- gain compared to schools with similar students, based on the index of community socio-educational advantage (ICSEA) level; and
- gain compared to other students at the same average NAPLAN starting score.
Congratulations to the staff at each school in recognition of their ongoing teamwork and dedication to improving learning outcomes for students.