Friday 15 March is the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence. Redeemer is using this day as a platform to launch Redeemer’s Project Kindness. This project is about identifying all the wonderful and positive attributes shown by students and staff across both the Junior and Senior campuses. They know that kindness is contagious so they are ready to spread it everywhere. Throughout the year and moving forward, random acts of kindness will be witnessed across the school. Last week some messages of positivity and encouragement appeared on the pavement throughout Junior School, much to the delight of students. Today, a video made by students in their own time on the topic of kindness was debuted at Senior School Assembly. Tomorrow, arm bands to show we are unified in our stance against bullying will be given out in first break near the tuckshop area. This project has no end date so kindness will continue to be a strong focus moving forward. #choosekind