Deeply engaged in a class chat about the heart, Oliver enthusiastically raised his hand and asked if he could tell his Prep class at St John’s Lutheran School, Kingaroy about a body part! Four adults in the room all caught eyes in that moment. Invited by a brave teacher nod, Oliver boldly set about explaining that the large intestine was in your stomach, just near the oesophagus and that it, along with the small intestine, sorted through the good and bad food for your body to keep you healthy. Captivated, four adults breathed out and silently mouthed the word “wow” in unison. Oliver was inspirational.
Huddled together, feverishly debating sticky notes on whiteboards, teachers and leaders dug deep, generously gifting their time and talents at Trinity Lutheran College, Ashmore. Rich and rigorous dialogue ensued through sharing futurist research and scenario planning for possible and preferred futures in education. While continuing to grow a deep collaborative culture and exploring with a growth mindset, the focus was fervently fixed on learners. What an inspiration!
Lutheran Education Queensland. Inspired learning for life. Do these words provoke a question, suggest action or evoke emotion? The learning bit is about life, in life, with life, through life and for eternal life. That makes sense! So, what is inspired? Who does the inspiring? Why does it happen and what do we do about that?
Paul succinctly grounds the source of inspiration in Ephesians 2:8-9. “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.” The core message of the Gospel is centred in relationship, God coming to us, through Christ and freely giving unconditional love and grace. We have the assurance that Christ is our foundation, our platform to begin. It is always about what God does. It’s His work and what He has already done for each of us on the cross. How do we respond?
We are free to serve, lead, learn and share the Gospel boldly.
Now, that’s inspirational!
Blessings as we serve, lead and learn together.