This week we met with Education Leads in Helsinki to give some input to what Australian Educators may wish to connect or share with Finnish Educators later this year during Helsinki Finland Education Week. Due to interest by a number of our educators about Finnish Education this rare live virtual version may provide some rich snapshots. As there will be more virtual events this year we are crafting some experiences for educators to join in chatting, sharing or working with colleagues in Finnish Schools.
As you know Finnish education is known for a number of features whether it be senior transdisciplinary schools to utilising the city and forests for experiential learning and play. We are endeavouring to connect with or craft some sessions to answer a number of requests from our schools in relation to teaching and learning – some examples include: parent engagement, development of soft skills, the life of Finnish teacher, student perspectives on contemporary learning, what are the myths, how are priorities set, how Finnish culture affects education and more.