Over the last two Saturdays, approximately 30 members of School and College Councils, Principals and Business Managers have attended the 2021 LEQ Governance Workshops at Prince of Peace Lutheran College and Grace Lutheran College, Caboolture campus. This year’s version is based on the topic of Governing in a Complex Regulatory Environment.
Participants have been taken through key pieces of legislation that schools regularly bump up against, recent changes to legislation that impacts schools and School Councils, and actual de-identified case studies were used to navigate complex issues that can escalate rapidly into matters that risk reputation and financial viability of schools.
The third edition is set for Saturday 12th June at Trinity Lutheran College on the Gold Coast. Registrations are still being taken at https://forms.office.com/r/suWvEpyT2b
Dennis and Kerryn will continue to offer the workshop at individual Councils or clusters of Councils until Kerryn’s departure at the end of July. Councils are able to contact them directly to identify possible dates.