Lutheran Education Queensland’s Flexible Delivery in the Senior Years currently includes 14 students from 4 recipient schools being facilitated in desired courses of study by 4 host schools. Plans are to expand the project to include other year levels in secondary as the need arises. In past years, students have been awarded Dux of the respective subject whilst studying through the Flexible Delivery model. This is achieved through Lutheran Schools working together with a shared commitment to learning. Queensland University of Technology’s School of Education are keen to enhance the model through effective study and research during 2021.
Some comments from Students and Teachers
“I enjoy Flexible Delivery as it supports my pace and the way I learn”
“Specialist Maths has been easy to keep up with and I enjoy doin it this way as you get to meet and interact with new people”
“I enjoy Flexible Delivery because we are like-minded people working together and yet we can still be independent”
“ I like meeting new people and other students in our video and online sessions”
“Watching three students sharing their offline classes together has been rewarding as they have become very diligent supporting each other, keep on track and take some responsibility for managing their learning”
“I have built up such a good relationship with my remote students, we all look forward in catching up each week and not only sharing the learning but strengthening this rich teacher student relationship”
“The care and fondness between my on-campus students and remote students is simply beautiful”