We have external organisations and services seeking the opportunity to provide our schools with the latest professional learning, services, and subscriptions. Please view upcoming opportunities relating to professional learning, learning solution analysis and education workshops.
James Nottingham Challenging Learning Conference – Friday, 28th July
James shares compelling narratives using arresting anecdotes, hard edged research and practical advice that enhances teaching and learning through challenge, feedback, growth mindset, P4C, questioning and the Learning Pit. James will share insights on how learners can have the resilience to be their best, so they can flourish and thrive.
Booking details here.
Improving Study Strategies for Secondary Students
If you are interested in improving study strategies for secondary students at your school, Churchie’s Research Centre generously offer “A Learner’s Toolkit” to all schools for free. This resource includes 6 study strategies as well as the option to become a partner school at no cost.
Churchie’s Research Centre are also hosting “A Matter of Translation” Conference on Friday 1 September.
Booking details here.