Education Ministers met last month and key items discussed included:
- Proposed changes to early childhood education and care regulation with a clear focus on child safety. A report by the national regulator with recommendations will be considered by Education Ministers when they meet again in December.
- National AI Framework – you will recall QCAA provided a briefing on this item, along with analysis of our NAPLAN results when we met on 10 October. The draft framework has not yet been publicly released however the intention remains for it be implemented from term 1, 2024.
- National Teacher Workforce Action Plan update
- Review to inform a Better and Fairer Education System – funding agreement for non-government schools to deliver on identified government priorities
- Changes to the presentation of NAPLAN data on MySchool
- Australian students to participate in Progress in Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) in 2026
- Preschool Reform Agreement update, including a trial to commence in 2025 for reporting against two new learning progressions
- Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability, noting three of the five commissioners recommended to end segregated education for students with disability by 2052 and no new special schools to be built by 2025
- Voice to Parliament
Education Ministers will have their final meeting for the year in the first week of December.
Click here to read more.
Yvonne Ries
Deputy Executive Director Education