Here we are at the end of another year. How times flies, especially when you arrive in a new job, with lots of expectations from people that you do not know and some that you do. My story 2021.
It has been a very interesting year for me, and I thank Dennis for giving me the opportunity to serve LEQ schools as part of the Secretariat and Leadership Team. I thank you all for your support and understanding as I immersed myself in my new role at LEQ.
A very different place to a school, no children laughing and playing at break times and no bells or music to change lessons or classrooms, no more “kiss-n-go” duty, that was my favourite!
Schools are special places and I have been a part of them pretty much all me working life. But I am enjoying the change and the challenges this change has brought. It has been a very rewarding experience and I have truly enjoyed the many aspects of my new role, working through different situations and scenarios with you and supporting you the leaders of our Lutheran Schools, Qld.
I wish each and everyone of you a blessed Christmas filled with peace and love. May we remember the birth of our Lord Jesus who was a human gift to us and who later died on the cross so that we might be forgiven all of our sins.
Have a well-earned break with family and friends, all the very best of wishes for the new year. Stay safe and stay well.
I look forward to working with you and supporting you once again in 2022.
Christmas Greetings.