1 & 2 Timothy – The Leadership Manual
Young Timothy had been sent to Ephesus to help set a troubled church in order. In 1 & 2 Timothy, Paul, in the end stages of his life, passes on his wisdom and experience as a leader to assist his protégé in this task. This makes the books of Timothy one of the richest sources of leadership advice in the Bible.
In 1 Timothy 1 we see that the church is becoming sidetracked from their path by various factors. Paul urges the church, through Timothy, to keep “with the prophecies once made about you, so that by recalling them you may fight the battle well.” (1Timothy 1: 18). Jesus lived his life and did everything he did with a clear sense of purpose and thus was Spirit-driven (Mark 1: 35-39; Luke 4: 43; 5: 32). His vision was sharp (not blurred), his goal was clear and he never allowed anything to distract him from his mission.
As you embark on this new year and make plans for your school it is important that you take time to reconnect with your school mission statement. In the busyness of working through strategic plans, resolving staffing issues, and planning calendars and timetables it is easy to lose sight of your school’s ultimate purpose. Spend some time in these early weeks reading your school mission statement and seeking the Lord through prayer, committing your school to the Lord, and the listening to God as He establishes the next steps. “Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.” (Proverbs 16:3). It would also be valuable to spend some devotional time with staff in considering your school mission statement and praying for God’s guidance for the year.
I wish you God’s richest blessings for the year ahead.