2 Timothy 2:2 – Lifting up those around you
The year has now begun and no doubt the ‘to do list’ is growing. Now that the students have returned, and staff are settling into their tasks it is easy as a leader to get buried under a seemingly never-ending workload and not stop to consider how we are developing those under us. Leaders fall as leaders when they always let the buck stop with them. The day we work ourselves out of a job is the day we establish our positions as leaders. That’s why Paul taught Timothy the importance of training the next generation of leaders.
Paul had spent years with Timothy, both as an example and as his teacher. It was now Timothy’s turn to do the same with men in his church. 2 Timothy 2:2 “What you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, commit to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.”
As leaders, it is important to consider how you are training up the next generation of leaders. Not only will you find that you can be assisted in your leadership by these up-and-coming leaders, but you will also be contributing to a stronger school, supported by a group of Christ centered leaders working together.
What opportunities can you see today to give someone some experience and guidance in leadership in your school?