Release of LEQ Risk Management Documents
On 18 October, LEQ Secretariat has released a suite of risk management documents:
- Risk Management Policy – this document details CLEQ’s commitment and approach to effective risk management and outlines the roles and responsibilities for managing risks.
- Risk Appetite Statement – this document outlines CLEQ’s risk profile, capacity to take risks, approach to managing existing risks as well as tolerance for accepting new and emerging risks.
- Risk Management Framework – this document identifies the key elements of LEQ’s approach to managing risks.
- Risk Management Procedure – this document provides guidance for decision making and prioritising resources to assist LEQ effectively manage risk.
These documents have been distributed via email to all LEQ Principals and Business Managers and is also available on ERM through the LEQ Central module.
Following the release of these documents, LEQ will develop template Risk Management Policy, Risk Appetite Statement, Risk Management Framework and Risk Management Procedure for LEQ schools. These templates will be made available through SharePoint latter this term.
Please contact me if you have any questions relating to these documents.
Rebecca Bray
Chief Risk and Compliance Officer