What do we think when we hear of Double Standards being exercised in the community, in politics, in the workplace and in schools?
Are these double standards being disguised under the banner of equity!
What do we mean by the term double standards?
Is it that we see individuals being treated differently when the same or similar situations occur, or circumstances are the same?
What is a double standard example?
A double standard is an action that favours one group or person over another.
For example: If a teacher allows all the girls to choose who they can sit next to in class but not the boys, that's a double standard.
Double standards are unfair!
Equity on the other hand is often viewed as equivalence or sameness. A more useful way to view equity is through the lens of ‘fairness'.
Equity is defined by the Cambridge Dictionary as “the situation in which everyone is treated fairly and equally”. Suggesting that equity depends on equal treatment.
There are circumstances when people might see equal treatment as being fair, however in other circumstances unequal treatment can be seen as fair. This would suggest that, when it comes to ‘equity', fairness outweighs equality.
In education our students are not equal; they have very different levels of attainment and so benefit from different learning opportunities and challenges. The vast majority of teachers recognise this and differentiate their teaching and learning activities to cater for the individual needs of the students. Teachers will choose unequal treatments in response to observable differences in student needs. In fact, it could well be argued that in failing to recognise the different needs and to expect all students to perform to the same expectations would be unfair and inequitable. Every student is expected to make excellent progress in their learning, regardless of their starting point.
In essence Equity is a positive as long as it is not the disguise for
Double Standards.
Today, I thank God for the amazing teachers and support staff we have in our schools and the guidance and support that they receive from our school leaders.
God bless everyone in their endeavours to provide fair and equitable opportunities for our students.
Eunice Stoll