Last week six Senior students from Lutheran Schools across Australia stayed up late to participate in the HundrED Youth Forum. Four of the Students were from Trinity Lutheran College – Ashmore, Faith Lutheran College Redlands and St Peters Lutheran College.
They joined 50 youth from over 15 countries to discuss how their lives are being impacted by living through this pandemic and how it may be enabling them to transform contemporary learning modes.
In a pre and post chat (Image below) we had with the students this week they shared how humbling it was to hear the remote learning experience of their fellow youth around the world and it gave them a renewed perspective regarding:
- how lucky they are to be living in Australia during this period
- to be learning in Lutheran schools with dedicated and passionate teachers
- to appreciate that Lutheran schools have some of the most flexible and contemporary approaches to learning during covid compared to the rest of the world
- easy access to supportive technology
- to be living in homes with enough space that they can study comfortably, and
- supportive and loving parents.
The organisers of the HundrED event spoke very highly of how our students engaged with, and contributed to, the discussion.