The Covid Reflection Pivot Tool is a guided framework for supporting schools in analysing their learning and teaching practice during the Covid Crisis and to identify opportunities which may enhance learning moving into the future. Over the last two weeks we have been using this tool with Lutheran Schools and offices to investigate learning and teaching experiences from the last couple of months. The tool was developed by Kim Powell (LEVNT), Derek Bartels (LEQ) together with assistance from Stanford dSchool and Amicus. The Covid Reflection Pivot Tool is initially a two hour process that can springboard a school into further planned, supported and focus action which will sustain some of the rich changes identified during these times of Covid. It has been designed to be facilitated by the school or co-facilitated with Derek and Kim. It also has been delivered virtually using Zoom with participants engaging in rich and thoughtful activities and discussions. The numerous accompanying recorded interviews with parents, educators and students which serve as part of an empathy deep dive has also been invaluable to analyse common messages and learnings. International expert Professor Stephen Heppell this week referred to the Covid Reflection Pivot Tool in an online post saying “Wow that is so very useful”.